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- 706Total Learners
- 65Total Sessions
- Jul 24, 2013Active Since
- Wisconsin, United StatesLocation
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Amanda Archibald has combined her unique training as an analyst and a nutritionist (RD) with her culinary expertise to pioneer a new conversation in nutrition.
Amanda's trailblazing work is redefining the food, nutrition and cooking education footprint in ways that are understandable, meaningful and fundamentally achievable for all Americans. Her cutting edge work in Culinary Genomics, unveiled in 2015, has created a new frontier, essentially uniting the fields of Genomic Medicine with the Culinary Arts. Through this work, Amanda is placing food, chefs, and the kitchen at the epicenter of...
Experience and Distinctions
Amanda Archibald is the founder of The Genomic Kitchen, a system of choosing, preparing and understanding food based on culinary genomics, a term she coined to express this revolutionary merging of genomic science (nutrigenomics) and the culinary arts. Widely recognized for her trailblazing work as a culinary nutritionist and dietitian, Amanda has a longstanding commitment to redefining the food, nutrition and cooking education footprint in ways that make them understandable, meaningful and fundamentally achievable for all Americans.
Amanda's visionary approach and unique perspective is derived...