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- 46Total Learners Enrolled
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The Spiritual Science of How The Law of Reflections Really Works Part 4
Throughout this series of 40 minute classes, we are going to use spiritual science to debunk the biggest misinformations about various topics that are holding you back and keeping you from experiencing the type of life you know you are capable of.
In these classes, we are going to discuss...
- The in's and outs of how the law of reflections works on a science level
- The higher, divine purpose of having obstacles and negatives in life and how your reflections are actually your greatest sources of help and support
- The different types of reflections and how to differentiate between them
- What aspects of life the law of reflections applies to and where it doesn't
- The latest, greatest hacks to decoding the heart behind these mirror situations and then pin pointing where that heart is relevant in your life
- How to stop your obstacles from increasing in severity
- How mastering this law will transform to your life's hardest, most persistent obstacles into your favorite life upgrades and goal accelerators.
By attending live, have the opportunity to get a free intuitive reading and guidance for your specific situation.
In these classes, we are going to discuss...
- The in's and outs of how the law of reflections works on a science level
- The higher, divine purpose of having obstacles and negatives in life and how your reflections are actually your greatest sources of help and support
- The different types of reflections and how to differentiate between them
- What aspects of life the law of reflections applies to and where it doesn't
- The latest, greatest hacks to decoding the heart behind these mirror situations and then pin pointing where that heart is relevant in your life
- How to stop your obstacles from increasing in severity
- How mastering this law will transform to your life's hardest, most persistent obstacles into your favorite life upgrades and goal accelerators.
By attending live, have the opportunity to get a free intuitive reading and guidance for your specific situation.
Program Details
About Alessandro GLH
Alessandro GLH
Alessandro, Guided Light Healing's Founder and CEO, has over 34+ years of experience in the healing world and has well over 10,000+ hours of mastery throughout his career integrating science into spiritual, developing a remarkable, scientifically precise intuitive...
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