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- 3154Total Learners
- 89Total Sessions
- Jan 25, 2012Active Since
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Andrea Beaman is a Natural Foods Chef, health educator, thyroid expert, holistic health coach and herbalist, dedicated to alternative healing, and sustainable eating and living.
Andrea was a featured contestant on Bravo's Top Chef. She is a regularly featured expert on CBS News, and hosted the Award Nominated, Fed UP! A cooking show that educates viewers how to cook for, and cure, bodily ailments.
Experience and Distinctions
Andrea is recognized as one of the top 100 Most Influential People in Health and Fitness, received the Award For Excellence in Health Supportive Food Education from the Natural Gourmet Institute for Food and Health, as well the Health Leadership Award from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
As a keynote speaker and teacher, Andrea inspires audiences to take action on their health. She teaches engaging cooking demos and health programs to students and clients through live conferences, schools, and online programs, reaching audiences around the world.
Andrea is the author of The Whole...