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- 0Total Learners
- 2Total Sessions
- Oct 10, 2023Active Since
- Malaga, SpainLocation
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I am a director, writer and performance coach with 35 years experience in the publishing, music and entertainment industry. I run a company called Create Space which offers online creative writing and media courses, singing lessons, drama classes and overall performance coaching .
I also offer private performance coaching sessions for artists, singers, dancers, writers, actors, presenters and public speakers online and in person.
If you're looking to improve your performances, speaking, communication, creativity and overall performance ability, then do get in touch. I'd be happy to...
Experience and Distinctions
Author of Phenomenal Woman and Conscious Living.
Director, Choreographer and Vocal & Performance Coach (various productions).
TV & Film Script Writer.
Teacher: Creative Writing, Media studies, Singing, Drama.