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- 205Total Learners
- 24Total Sessions
- Sep 18, 2015Active Since
- Virginia Beach, United StatesLocation
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Cindy Griffith is an internationally renowned Psychic, Teacher, and Author, with a diverse background in Metaphysics, Meditation, Spiritual Development and Spiritual Business Counseling. She and her husband David Bennett have recently moved from the Finger Lake region of New York to Virginia Beach.
Cindy expresses her passions of teaching, writing and psychic counseling via clients and students in the USA and abroad. Recently she is teaching Spiritual and Psychic Development and offering channeled sessions in Tokyo, Japan.
Holding both a Masters in Consciousness Development and a Bachelor...
Experience and Distinctions
Author of Soul Soothers: Mini Meditations for Busy Lives
Co-Author of Grow Your Spiritual Business & Voyage of Purpose
Creator of Soul Expansion and Soul Soothers: Meditation CDs
Spiritual teacher and Spiritual Business woman for 25 years
Currently teaching throughout the US and in Tokyo, Japan